Residential Habilitation and Support Services
Community Integration and Habilitation (CIH) only
Residential habilitation and support – daily (RHS Daily) services means individually tailored supports that are specified in the PCISP that assist with the acquisition, retention, or improvement in skills related to living in the community. These supports include adaptive skill development, assistance with activities of daily living, community inclusion, transportation, adult educational supports, and social and leisure skill development that support the participant to live successfully in his or her own home.
A relative of the participant may be a provider of residential habilitation and support services. The decision that a relative is the best choice of persons to provide these services is a part of the person-centered planning process and is documented in the PCISP. When the provider is a relative, there is an annual review by the IST to determine whether the participant’s relative should continue to be the provider of residential habilitation and support services.