How to Apply

For Behavioral Management: Send resume to

For PAC and ResHab, please fill out the form below.

Personal Information

Over the Age of 18?

Employment Questions

Have you completed high school or equivalent?
Have you been convicted of a felony?
If you have a resume you would like to include, please upload it here.
Max. file size: 20 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

BluePrint Policies and Procedures PAC and RESHAB

For as long as I have been in this service industry, I have witnessed incredibly low pay and the support of direct support professionals. I aim to change this and help support the service industry of service providers under the Family Support Waiver and CIH Waiver. BluePrint will provide support to empower DSPs to represent services at quarterly meetings, provide training that surpasses the state standards, and include them as a supporter of waiver participants’ individualized support plans.

Once hired, download the Oasis Technology App and respond to the invitation email through Oasis Bridge with an electronic signature. The Oasis administrator will approve your signature. After the initial login, you can change the password.

Stevi,, must approve approval for overtime (anything over 40 hours per week). The state does not permit caregivers who are family members to work overtime. This has been a rule since July 2024.

  • A work week begins Monday at midnight and ends Sunday at midnight.
  • You set your schedule per participant you support/provide services to.
  • Payment is every two weeks on Fridays.

You will be notified by BluePrint when all paperwork and documentation are approved so you can begin services.